2025 Days of ’47 Royalty Scholarship Competition “Pioneer Spirit--Pioneer Strong"
2025 Days of ’47 Royalty
Friday - March 7, 2025 @ 4pm (Applications Due)
Friday - March 14, 2025 (Video Due)
Friday - March 28, 2025 (Individual Interviews)
Pioneer Memorial Museum
300 N Main St
Salt Lake City, Utah 84103
2025 Applications
Click Here to download the 2025 application form.
Applications due on Friday, March 7th by 4 p.m.
Produced By
International Society Daughters of Utah Pioneers
To learn more, vist the International Society Daughters of Utah Pioneers website.
Days of ‘47 - History of “Royalty in Utah”
The first record of a Queen in Utah was in 1897 when Emma Lunt was chosen the Queen of the first Utah Pioneer Jubilee. She had two Maids of Honor, 20 Attendants, and two Escorts. While wearing an elaborate gown and crowned as Miss Utah, the newspaper proclaimed her as “one of Zion’s most popular young ladies.” Her reign lasted five days.
In 1897, a committee of about 22 prominent citizens decided that Emma Lunt was the girl to ride in the horse drawn carriage during the 24 th of July celebration. Miss Utah attended all of the events, but didn’t have to do anything but look pretty and make a formal bow.
The first pioneer parade was held in 1849. The parade was called “Covered Wagon Days” until 1931 when the name of the celebration was changed to “Pioneer Days.” The 1931 Queen (or “Miss Pioneer” as she was called) was Margaret Young, a direct descendant of Brigham Young. In fact, that year all 200 contestants were direct descendants of Brigham Young.
On July 5, 1943, Daughters of Utah Pioneers and Sons of Utah Pioneers signed an agreement to officially sponsor a Pioneer Day parade and to celebrate Utah’s pioneer heritage each year through a Days of `47 committee, a private nonprofit corporation. The event was renamed, The Days of `47. The first Days of `47 Queen was Pat Pixton.
The International Society Daughters of Utah Pioneers orchestrates the Days of ’47 Royalty Pageant. Rather than being a “Zion’s most popular young ladies contest,” today’s royalty is selected based on community service, education/knowledge, charity, values and pioneer heritage. Young women are chosen based on those who exemplify the high standards of pioneers -- past and present. All royalty are descendants of Utah pioneers (1847 – 1869).
To schedule an appearance by The Days of ’47 Royalty members, please contact Constance Huntsman at
About the Event
The Days of '47 Royalty Scholarship Competition is produced by International Society Daughters of Utah Pioneers. All the young women who competed in this years competition graduated from high school and are between the ages of 18 and 25. The chosen royalty will ride in The Days of ’47 Parade, will be in attendance at many functions (such as The Days of ’47 Rodeo), and will speak at numerous gatherings and events during their reign. They will be role models to all young women who hear their message as they represent the State of Utah, The Days of ’47, Inc. and Daughters of Utah Pioneers. The judging took place on March 29th and 30th.